Soon I will find lookalikes for the entire Gossip Girl cast. And then they will put on their own show and it will be all melty and weird. Except for Minka Kelly, of course!
You might already be familiar with Leighton Meester and Minka Kelly as lookalikes - they're in a new SWF movie called The Roommate together, after all - but luckily for me, that doesn't mean I can't post it! Lindsey Hayes Kroeger is credited as the movie's casting person on imdb, but I wonder whose idea it was originally to put the two girls together. It might have been Kroeger, but it might've been someone else entirely. Blake Lively, perhaps?
Actually, considering Minka Kelly's Serena-esque position on Friday Night Butts, I'd say we have another GG hybrid on our hands. Except instead of beauty/sphincter control, Minka would have received her coloring from Blair and her Everyone-Is-Always-In-Love-With-Me-And-Only-Me social status from Serena.
If Natalie Dreyfuss and Minka Kelly were the movie Twins, I think we'd know who got the Arnold Schwarzenegger genes.
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